You, a creative force

Set of conceptual firework units

Do you consider yourself creative? I hope so, as I’m sure you are.

Very few people consider themselves creative though, as somewhere along the line they have gotten comfortable with what is, or they tried something and maybe weren’t recognised for it, or didn’t feel it led to anything, or worse – they were slammed for it.

Kids are endlessly creative, both in mind and in expression. Listen to a kid’s fantasy stories, where everything is possible and watch them draw the most beautiful drawings where there are no rules!

And as Ken Robinson very aptly describes in his fabled TED talk, over time we learn to become non-creative. If you haven’t seen it, and it’s brilliant!

I think there may be a number of reasons why we tend to become less creative over time. The main reason I think is that we create habits, patterns in our lives of doing things the same way. And I believe we need patterns to make sense of things, and to make life easier (so we don’t have to think about absolutely everything we do, but can actually do things subconsciously!)

But therein lies the challenge – to have habits and patterns AND to now and then challenge our thinking about things, not getting stuck.

Why not create a habit of saying to yourself each day, one or more of the following questions:

  • What can I do differently today?
  • What could I look at differently today (reframing)?
  • How can I look at that differently (reframing)?
  • What’s the craziest idea I can think of this context?

Our common sense often holds us back, even “brainstorming” is often just ” very gentle brainbreeze” (=more of the same).

The thought is free – not everything that gets suggested has to be done. We can play with thoughts and ideas. It’s often in some of the craziest ideas that something really original and revolutionary gets created.

As Albert Einstein so insightfully said: “If an idea isn’t at first absurd, there’s no hope for it”.

So, let’s continue to create and stretch our creativity. Let’s push ourselves to think differently. Let’s play with ideas. And let’s watch the world transform, one idea at a time.

Never give up!

Green maze

Never give up! I don’t mean “be stupid and keep hitting your head against a brick wall”. No, what I mean is this – if something really matters to you, if you really want to achieve something and you think it’s possible, then keep going.

Hold on to your dreams, to your ambitions – be inspired by them, as often as you can.

I bet you’re the person who will keep going, aren’t you? You know that all success is preceded by temporary setbacks, that everything worth doing well is worth doing badly first. And you know that those setbacks are indeed temporary setbacks. You are able to keep going, trying something new, something different – be inspired by those setbacks. Yes, thank you setbacks!

Who cares for a straight road anyway?!

You are not deterred by “failure” – heck, you know it isn’t even failure – it’s just an indication of what to change in your next attempt.

You never give up, do you? Not if it’s important enough to you.

So keep going – focus on your dream and act in accordance,

Enjoy the journey!

Never give up.

You have a choice


You have a choice. Now, today, tomorrow and all the days to follow.

A choice of

  • how to spend the day
  • how to feel
  • how to think
  • how to approach and treat other people
  • how your day will be
  • how you will act
  • how you will react
  • how you will do generally
  • how others will percieve you

Your’re not a victim.

Not of the weather.

Not of other people.

Not of circumstances around you.

You choose. Take that control over your life. And then you can choose the quality of life that you desire. As a result your situation is  not in the hands of other people or circumstances.

Don’t give your power away. Lead yourself. Live without regrets or accusations. Take responsibility for your situation. Choose joy and gratitude.

All we have is here and now after all.  And it’s only really the here and now that we can take control over.

As Viktor Frankl (Austrian psychiatrist, concentration camp survivor and author of “Man’s search for meaning”) so wisely said:

“The one thing you can’t take away from me is the way I choose to respond to what you do to me. The last of one’s freedoms is to choose ones attitude in any given circumstance.”

So make your choice. Are you ready? Will you choose a good or a bad day?

It’s your choice, nobody else’s. You choose the quality of all aspects of your life. Pretty cool, hey!

Att leva i nuet – minnen från sommarloven


Kanske är det så för oss alla att barndomens somrar har ett visst skimmer omkring sig när vi tänker på dem. Så är det i alla fall för mig.

Mina skimrande somrar spenderades framför allt i Luleå – på vårt underbara Lillängen och ombord på Geishan i Luleås skärgård – och på Väddö i vackra Roslagen.

Det var på 60- och 70-talet som spenderade vi ett antal somrar på Väddö, närmare bestämt på Luftvärnets Skjutskola, ett militärt avspärrat träningsområde precis vid Ålands hav. Där fanns flera hundra värnpliktiga i baracker och sen  runt 6-7 stugor för befälet – där bodde vi då pappa var en av dem.

På nåt sätt var det som att tiden och världen stod till därute. Kanske var det för att vi var så isolerade – det var ju ett militärt område och ingen obehörig kunde/fick ta sig in.

Där levde vi så i totalt lugn och stillhet (sånär som på övningsskjutandet som pågick dagtid!). Minnen blandas ihop med bilder och film som mamma och pappa tog och det är svårt att veta vad som är ihågkommet och påmint. Det gör ingenting.

Vad jag tänker på är hur vi på nåt sätt bara “var”, helt i stunden, tog dan som den kom, gjorde vad som föll oss in, i harmoni med väder och andra omständigheter.

Rodde ut på Ålands hav, badade hur kallt den än var i vattnet, fiskade på bryggan i badviken, jagade varann på klipporna, badade fötterna i de små pölarna som bildades i havsklipporna – och när vi blev lite äldre – spelade tennis, låg och läste, spelade kort och köpte godis på “markan” (och spanade in de värnpliktiga!)

Det fanns ingen telefon, ingen diskmaskin, ingen tvättmaskin och ingen affär. Och det var helt OK. Kommer ihåg hur vi åkte “hem till stan” för att tvätta nån gång varannan vecka eller så. Eller åkte in till Norrtälje för att gå på konditori – kändes som en riktig lyx!

Dessa minnen är så starkt förankrade  i mig att jag kan framkalla känslan av dem när helst jag vill.

Gör du detsamma med dina minnen? Hittar du inspirationen, lugnet, drivkraften, glädjen i dina bästa minnen?

Ta en stund och kom ihåg och hämta kraft i dem. Kanske minns din barndoms somrar. Men inte för att bli sentimental och leva i det förflutna, utan för att kunna leva så bra du kan nu.

Så ta sen en stund och lev i nuet – det är nåt vi kan göra som vuxna också (jag har mycket att lära från de barndomssomrarna:-)) – att bara vara. Och förutom njutningen av att leva i nuet, att verkligen uppleva det som händer idag – tänk vilka fina minnen vi skapar för vår framtid!

Don’t put it off – live today

Kite Haga park

Do you ever procrastinate? Think that you should really do something, but you can’t be bothered, or you’re too tired or you think it can really wait? Don’t we all!

Don’t put things off though. All we have is today. I don’t mean that in a horrible, “doomsday” kind of way. I mean that the past is behind us, we can’t change that – the future is in front of us and we can’t control that (we can plan and prepare – and then prepare to have to be flexible because it will all change anyway!).

All we have is today. So live it today. Really take care of today. Make the most of your day. Don’t just cram it full of things, but live it with joy – enjoy the moment. Do the things that make you feel good.

I got the very sad message yesterday that a dear, dear relative had passed away and I am sad to think that I didn’t stay in touch enough. I kept thinking “I’ll do it tomorrow”.

So in her memory, I say –  let’s take care of today, let’s really live today – not just pass the time. Gini – this is for you.

I love the lines below, first given to me by a person who attended a personal development programme I ran in Sussex about 10 years ago. Thank you – it continues to be an inspiration.

Look well to this day

For it is life

The very best of life.

In its brief course lie all

The realities and truths of existence,

The joy of growth, the splendour of action,

The glory of power.

For yesterday is but a memory.

And tomorrow is only a vision.

But today well lived

Makes every yesterday a memory of happiness

And every tomorrow a vision of hope.

Look well, therefore to this day.

Ancient Sanskrit Poem