There are many leaders in this world. Some are natural leaders without having a leadership position – people just seem to listen to them and follow them anyway. Some are leaders through a manager position, and may be natural leaders as well.
What was expected of a leader even 20 years ago is not necessarily the same as what is expected today and certainly not what will be expected, indeed needed, in 2020.

- Skills
- Knowledge
- Qualities
- Behaviours
- Work habits
- And more…
We will share studies and findings on the subject, we will share our own observations from the work we do as passionate leadership advocates, working as consultant with organizations all around the world.
The purpose of all this is to provide greater information on leadership for the future, and HOW TO develop that leadership.
Why is this all so important?
Well, a Gallup study once showed that “people join companies and leave leaders”. This is how important it is. Leaders have the potential to engage people in working together for the good of the company, its customers, its owners, its employees, it various stakeholders – and the world as a whole (considering our limited natural resources) – to create long-term success and results.
Let’s get the discussion started. Please feel free to share your thoughts on the subject below.
Thanks for joining us.
Elisabet Vinberg Hearn and Mandy Flint
Authors of the award-winning book “The Team Formula”