Elisabet Vinberg Hearn is a speaker, author, leadership strategist and executive coach who is passionate about creating Sustainability and long-term success for leaders and organisations around the world.

She is often hired to talk about Future Leadership and Winning Team, and is a published, award-winning author.

Elisabet has extensive experience from the business world, including 13 years with American Express, based in Sweden and in the UK, while working internationally. She has held various leadership roles, responsible for customer servicing, process re-engineering and corporate culture transformation.

She has a degree in Marketing Economics from IHM Business School and an MBA in Leadership and Sustainability from the University of Cumbria (Robert Kennedy College).

Meridium day in Stockholm 25 October 2018

Meridium day in Stockholm 25 October 2018

Västerås Castle, Stockholm

Västerås Castle, Stockholm

Västerås Castle, Stockholm

HMS Belfast, London

The Landmark Hotel, London

The Landmark Hotel, London


Read Elisabet's latest blog posts below


How not to confuse

Mandy & Elisabet speaking at WeAreTheCity conference in London Words matter. A lot. And it’s important to communicate in such a way that we can reach and connect with other people, right? Of course. We all want to be understood the way we intended. And yet,...

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10 tips for trouble-free teamwork

On average, we spend 37 hours a week at work (whether we work from home or from a physical workplace, or a combination of the two), which means that most of us spend more time with our colleagues than with our family and friends. And the increasingly popular hybrid...

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How can you avoid Boomerang Change?

Everyone talks about transformation, but is it really transformation they are pursuing? Or could it be that it’s “just” change? Don’t get us wrong, change is sometimes enough, but the problem is that change often isn’t enough, or the efforts put into change...

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Never lead with fear

The key to leadership is hope, care and trust – especially in a crisis. As we watch in horror how Ukraine is being invaded, we reflect on different leadership styles and what it takes to lead in a crisis in particular. In a crisis everything comes to a head and...

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