We are coming to the end of another year and this is the perfect time to take stock. To think about achievements, successes, challenges, insights and how you’ve grown and developed. Do you realise quite how much you have learnt, this year alone? If not, this is the perfect time and opportunity to do just that.

In fact, this is not just for the end of the year, we need to spend more time in reflection mode throughout the year as well. With busy lifestyles we tend to rush onto the next thing without really appreciating what and how we have achieved. Yet, that is just what we all need to do, while also focusing on our strengths and then celebrate those strengths too.

Maybe you have been practicing leadership journaling, which we wrote about in the last issue of IMPACT. If so, you can look back at those reflections and pay specific attention to insights and realisations.

Imagine snapshots of the year? Where were you? What did you do? Which would be the pictures that best described 2021?

If you haven’t yet captured your thoughts through the year or if you want to summarise the year, here are some reflection questions to help you get started:

  • What are you most proud of from 2021?
  • What did you achieve?
  • How did you use your leadership, your ability to positively influence others?
  • How did you help others? And what did that do for them?
  • How did you use your strengths? When and where? And what difference did that make?
  • What didn’t go to plan and what was good with that? (Yes, that’s a very important question because the toughest moments can lead to the greatest learnings and growth)
  • What new knowledge did you acquire?
  • What did you learn?
  • What surprised you?
  • How will you celebrate your insights and achievements?
  • How will you take your learnings from 2021 into 2022 and let them become levers for new meaningful contribution and success?

And finally – a little bonus question; Have you thought lately about how wise you are? Wisdom is being able to apply your knowledge and experience, bringing a unique contribution that no-one else has. What is yours? And how did you use it? Capture that too.

If you think about it, every day is a fresh, clean start – if we choose to look at it that way. It’s never too late or too early to act on our dreams, our aspirations, our interests, our passions. And knowing where you are right now, is a great place to start.

Learn from yesterday, from this year, take from it what you can; learning, insights, results – and move forward with curiosity and joy. Anything can happen – and often does. What do you want to happen? And how will you make it happen?

Yes, a fresh new year is around the corner, with new opportunities, new energy, new collaboration for sustainable success. It’s a great opportunity to take all your wisdom from this year into the next, using it as a stepping stone to impact in 2022.

Take a moment (or two!) to feel good. This is a perfect time of year to celebrate, so go ahead and enjoy the festive season coming up.

You deserve it!