Elisabet Vinberg Hearn is a speaker, author, leadership strategist and executive coach who is passionate about creating Sustainability and long-term success for leaders and organisations around the world.
She is often hired to talk about Future Leadership and Winning Team, and is a published, award-winning author.
Elisabet has extensive experience from the business world, including 13 years with American Express, based in Sweden and in the UK, while working internationally. She has held various leadership roles, responsible for customer servicing, process re-engineering and corporate culture transformation.
She has a degree in Marketing Economics from IHM Business School and an MBA in Leadership and Sustainability from the University of Cumbria (Robert Kennedy College).
Read Elisabet's latest blog posts below
How to retain your top talent
The ‘war for talent’ is not a new challenge for organisations all around the world, but the pandemic has made it worse. A recent study from McKinsey shows that around 40% of employees are ‘somewhat likely’ to change jobs in the next 3-6 months. And 2/3 of...
2001-2021 Think Solutions celebrates 20 years of business
Thank you all so much for greetings from near and far for our 20th anniversary! Video Player 00:00 08:36 Since 2001 we have had the honour and joy of working with many leaders, teams and organisations around the world, providing strategic and tactical solutions for...
How coachable are you?
There is no such thing as status quo – at least not for any longer periods of time. No, the truth is that the world sure isn’t standing still – neither should we. We live in a changing world and we need to continuously learn and re-learn. What we knew yesterday may no...
Make leadership journaling part of your strategy
Don’t fall into the busy trap. There is great value in pausing to reflect, as it provides an opportunity to recognise what’s going on, evaluate results and consider options going forward. And journaling is a great way to do this, because it also adds the power of the...
A fresh start with hybrid working
Ideas for doing hybrid right with culture at the heart A year ago, us and many others started talking about hybrid working and going back to the office following the covid pandemic. It was a useful conversation to have but in reality the return to the office has not...
New poll results on culture and hybrid working
The hybrid work setup, currently on many organisations agenda, will require a lot of thinking around work processes, tasks, office space and adaptability, people’s preferences, digital tools and more. It’s a complex strategic and practical dilemma. But it clearly...
The September issue of IMPACT
Welcome to the September/October issue of IMPACT! In this issue, we focus on the new hybrid work setup and how crucial culture is in that. We share a recent poll on cultural habits in hybrid, and we explore how powerful journaling and being open to coaching is for...
5th book award for The Leader’s Guide to Impact
We are proud and excited to share that we have received a FIFTH book award for our latest book, The Leader’s Guide to Impact. This Maincrest Media Award is our 11th award in total. This is what the jury said: “The Leader’s Guide is a pioneering book that combines...
A healthy team culture with conflict leadership
Conflict and tension that don’t get properly resolved create stress, thereby impacting both mental/emotional and physical health. For that reason, conflict management is a key skill for both leaders and team members that want to be part of a healthy, productive,...
4 impact hacks for managing your time
Don’t wish you had more time, make more instead of the time available to you. Make it count. Here are 4 quick proven impact hacks to consider when wanting to dial up your impact by how you manage, and make the most of, your time. 1. VALUE YOUR TIME Choose how you...