Change is a constant, we all know that. And supporting others through change is part of your role as a leader so you definitely want to maximise your impact in this area.
Here are 4 quick proven impact hacks to consider when wanting to dial up your impact during times of change.

Change is inherently emotional. Understand what it does to you, the emotional reaction that you have and how that is leaking to others. Others on the other hand may be having a different emotional reaction. A huge part of dealing with change is understanding how you are reacting with others and how they are reacting.
Think: What’s in it for them?
Listen. Help people find answers to the questions that matter to them: e.g. What is in it for me? How does it affect me? What does it mean for me, my work, my life, my family, home?
Involve your team and other affected stakeholders. It’s not just the role of the leader to lead change. And it’s harder to buy into change if you’ve had no say in it. This is highly relevant right now as many companies are changing to a new hybrid work setup in the wake of the pandemic.
Leaders can sometimes operate at such speed, that they are too far ahead of the rest of the team. Slow down, stop and reflect to ensure you are prioritising the changes, doing the right thing at the right time. Hit the pause button now and then – doesn’t have to be for long, just a deep breath can be enough.